Graphon branching processes and frational isomorphism
Published in Arxiv, 2024
In their study of the giant component in inhomogeneous random graphs, Bollobás, Janson, and Riordan introduced a class of branching processes parametrized by a possibly unbounded graphon. We prove that two such branching processes have the same distribution if and only if the corresponding graphons are fractionally isomorphic, a notion introduced by Grebík and Rocha. A different class of branching processes was introduced by Hladký, Nachmias, and Tran in relation to uniform spanning trees in finite graphs approximating a given connected graphon. We prove that two such branching processes have the same distribution if and only if the corresponding graphons are fractionally isomorphic up to scalar multiple. Combined with a recent result of Archer and Shalev, this implies that if uniform spanning trees of two dense graphs have a similar local structure, they have a similar scaling limit. As a side result we give a characterization of fractional isomorphism for graphs as well as graphons in terms of their connected components.
Recommended citation: Hladký, J., Hng, E.K., Limbach, A.M. Graphon branching processes and frational isomorphism.
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